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Showing posts from December, 2016

"Bled" by Tierno Monenembo

"Bled", le nouveau roman de l'écrivain Tierno Monénembo est paru en octobre aux éditions Seuil. Tierno Monénembo, né en Guinée en 1947, a enseigné en Algérie de 1979 à 1983 et c'est au bled que son imaginaire le ramène, et nous invite dans cette nouvelle fiction située dans les années 80, narrée par une femme, Zoubida. Le roman s'ouvre sur une jeune fille de Aïn Guesma qui s'enfuit pour échapper à une foule qui veut la lyncher. Son crime ? Etre tombée enceinte hors mariage et avoir gardé l'enfant. Un enfant illégitime chez les Mesbahi, « le troisième en mille ans. » Zoubida sait ce qu'elle risque en partant seule, sans parents et sans argent. Peu importe le cout, elle veut garder son enfant. Des années après les événements qui vont suivre sa fuite faite d'auto-stops, de voyages clandestins en bus, à dos d'âne et en voiture volée, et ses nombreux périples, comme avoir été retenue prisonnière dans la maison close tenue par Mounir,

We the others: Algeria's future and the future of Algeria

Another collective reflecting on the actions and non-actions that have created today's Algeria. Each writer is presented as a specialist of the field he or she chooses to retrace. In some cases the author is a well known specialist, in other cases, the writer simply has no more grasp of the matter at hand than any lambda citizen, and simply poses as one. The result is disappointing and makes for a dull read. This type of "reflection with hindsight" is another example of groups with friendly links to publishing houses who blindly edit the work of groups seemingly decided upon claiming they constitute an elite. If the essays were free I wouldn't complain, but these publications are always expensive. My review on TSA in French:  « Nous autres » : l’Algérie du futur et le futur de l’Algérie ?

The Devil's apple: a novel that explores forgiveness and vengeance

Really enjoyed Djamila Morani's novella. Morani is a young Algerian author who writes in Arabic. Tufah el-Djinn is set in Baghdad during the Abbasid period. A 12-year old girl who has witnessed the assassination of her family and escapes is faced with two choices: let herself die or get better to find out why her father became such a threat and to whom. My review on TSA in French: Tufah el-Djinn : entre le pardon et la vengeance  

The Boumediene years - essays and short stories by a collective of authors

Aiming to demystify the Boumediene era, a collective of authors directed by Mohamed Kacimi tells their side of the story through their memories of these years as the children, teenagers or adults they once were. My review on TSA in French:  Les années Boum, souvenirs des années Boumediene

Round up of book signings and conferences at the SILA

My roundup of authors and conferences not to miss during this edition of the International Book Fair of Algiers. On TSA in French:  Rencontres et conférences cette semaine au SILA

The Maze: the night of the great discord by Hmida Ayachi

Hmida Ayachi is a well-established Algerian novelist and playright who writes in Arabic. One of his masterpieces " متاهات، ليل الفتنة " was translated into French by Lotfi Nia and published by Barzakh in October 2016. I have not yet read him in Arabic but the translation was astounding. Translator Lotfi Nia has made me discover an author who will remain one of my favourite Algerian novelist. My review The Maze on TSA in French below and here: Dédales, la nuit de la grande discorde de Hmida Ayachi Dédales, la nuit de la grande discorde de Hmida Ayachi Au mois d’octobre, le deuxième roman de Hmida Ayachi  متاهات، ليل الفتنة   a resurgi sur la scène littéraire grâce au traducteur Lotfi Nia.  Matahat  est maintenant publié en traduction sous le titre «  Dédales – la nuit de la grande discorde  » (Barzakh 2016). Cette traduction permet de redécouvrir l’une des œuvres majeures de Hmida Ayachi, dont l’original était publié en 2000, et de renouer avec la théâtralité d

New novels by Barzakh publishers

Barzakh editions are one of the strongest publishers of the market for fiction and non-fiction in French, in Algeria. To open this year's literary season, nothing more convenient than a list of their new novel releases. My overview of their book list on TSA in French:  Les nouveaux romans de la rentrée

New novels published by MIM editions

The literary season in Algeria doesn't occur in January. Publishers begin to awaken in May and they fully flood libraries with their new releases in October, a time chosen to match with the International Book Fair of Algiers (SILA). One of my favourite publishers are MIM. Here's a quick overview of their new novels on TSA, in French:  Nouveaux romans et nouvelles voix chez les éditions MIM

Mirrors and reflexions: Miraya Amazighiya by Nadjet Dahmoune

Nadjet Dahmoune's short story collection published by ANEP editions is a wonderful read. These are all stories about Berber women, told by Berber women. Told as if both readers and narrators were sharing a late night tea by the fire, these women revisit their past, its beauty and many cruelties. One to watch particularly because it has finally inserted the Berber language into an Arabic text. My review on TSA in French here: Miroirs et réflexions : « Miraya Amazighiya » de Nadjet Dahmoune

Migration, clandestinity and tragedies: The Desert or the Sea by Ahmed Tiab

In Algerian literature, few are the novelists who have taken for inspiration the situation of migrants crossing Algeria from the Sahel region and heading for Europe. Ahmed Tiab is the exception with his crime fiction  Le désert ou la mer ( The Desert or the Sea) published in May by L'Aube editions. My review here on TSA in French:  Migrations, clandestinité et tragédies : « Le désert ou la mer »

Sins and Faults: A New Algerian Novel Beyond Terrorism, Islamism, and Love-ism

Anyone interested in an Algerian novel that has finally moved beyond the tropes of terrorism, Islamism and love-ism should read Said Khatibi’s  Kitab al-khataya . Algerian novelist Said Khatibi’s  Kitab al-khataya * (كتاب الخطايا), or  The Book of Faults,   is the unabashed story of a young woman who reviews her dating life with a great sense of humor and of honesty, weighing the good and the bad of her situation as a working woman, a little uncertain as to where she should be heading in life. Set in bustling Algiers and its suburbs, thirty-something Kahina is one of the many women and men who juggle work and dating, and who attempt to find a secure anchorage somewhere in an environment that is structurally changing and crumbling at a furious pace. In this refreshing novel, Khatibi etches tender, empathetic, and non-judgemental portraits of individuals who are simply trying to find a little space to dream. Kitab al-khataya  is Kahina’s book of errors, a sort of account-ke

The World is My Language by Alain Mabanckou

Really enjoyed reading Alain Mabanckou's new essay Le Monde est mon langage (The World is My Language), a magistral literature lesson on novels written in French from novelists born and raised outside of France.  My review here in French on TSA:  Lecture: « Le monde est mon langage »